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Last Updated On 02/01/25

Like most fan fiction writers and even more so as a fourteen-year-old olds, my first fan fiction was littered with terrible writing and a blatant Mary Sue. We all grow from there, though, and I'd like to think I've grown since then. Two decades is a long time, and I'm not ashamed of where I started. You can check out all of my fanfiction from the year 2000 and beyond either at AO3 by clicking the banner or by scrolling below. Gundam Wing: The Sixth Pilot AO3: one | two | three Fandom: Gundam Wing Status: Discontinued Words: 8,818 Rated: PG-13 Summary: What it says on the tin. Written in 2000. Just One Drop of Blood AO3: here Fandom: Gundam Wing Status: Discontinued Words: 11,881 Rated: PG-13 Summary: A weird cloning AU. Written in 2000. Legacy of the Past AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven eight | nine | ten Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Status: Discontinued Words: 57,853 Rated: R Summary: A fan-fic that takes all the characters from FF7, plus some new faces and tosses their lives around. In a place where the good can become evil and where the evil were never evil.. A place where your worst enemy will not be a former friend or a company but what you don't know and your past... Written in 2001-2002. Through the Eyes of a Madman AO3: here Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Status: Complete Words: 1,193 Rated: R Summary: A little insight to the true insanity that is Hojo. Written in 2001. Fly to the Sun AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six Fandom: Final Fantasy IX Status: Complete Words: 3,879 Rated: G Summary: As Zidane leaves the Iifa Tree after the scenes at the end of the game, he sees a person watching him from the branches. Now he travels back to meet someone that he's known his entire life but had never met... Written in 2001. The Way of the Blade AO3: one | two | three | four Fandom: Chrono Cross Status: Complete Words: 4,958 Rated: G Summary: Glenn, Riddel and Karsh deal with their feeling about the death of Dario and how to move on with their lives. This takes place after the Terra Tower was raised, told from each characters POV. Written in 2002. Voices In Our Hearts AO3: here Series: 5 Works Fandom: Inuyasha Status: Complete Words: 8,917 Rated: PG Written in 2003-2004 And If I Die Before I Wake AO3: here Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho Status: Complete Words: 4,217 Rated: PG-13 Summary: As the finals for the Dark Tournament draw closer, Kurama and Hiei must find the thing that will push them to edge. They search for their reason to fight and their reason to live. Written in 2003 Blade of Darkness AO3: here Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Status: Complete Words: 1,144 Rated: G Summary: A small story of the forging of the Ultima Weapon and the insight into the creatures that made it and why. Written in 2003 Broken Wings AO3: here Fandom: Inuyasha Status: Complete Words: 6,251 Rated: PG-13 Summary: With no where else to go, Sango and Miroku struggle find ways to mend their broken wings. Written in 2004. I Don't Want To Be Me AO3: here Fandom: Witch Hunter Robin Status: Complete Words: 1,468 Rated: PG Summary: A first person story told from Robin's after the attack onthe STNJ. Written in 2004. Death of a Child AO3: here Fandom: Final Fantasy XI Status: Complete Words: 1,362 Rated: PG Summary: Why do the San D'Orian guards send you out to hunt orcs? Written in 2004. Overcoming Grief AO3: here Fandom: Golden Sun Status: Complete Words: 1,584 Rated: PG Summary: Jenna tries to cope with the loss of her entire family. Written in 2004. The Reason AO3: here Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho Status: Complete Words: 3,471 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Sometimes it's all right to change for the one you love. Sometimes it's all right to take that risk to create the perfect moment. Written in 2004. Finding The Back Door AO3: here Fandom: Witch Hunter Robin Status: Complete Words: 2,679 Rated: PG Summary: Michael knows he is the best at finding the back doors into any program until he opens the wrong one and will live to regret it. Written in 2004. Blind Corner AO3: one | two | three Fandom: Witch Hunter Robin Status: Complete Words: 10,975 Rated: PG-13 While under the watchful eye of the STN-J, Michael finds comfort in a person who can ease the loneliness that plagues him. Written in 2005. Secluded Nightmare AO3: here Fandom: Fruit's Basket Status: Complete Words: 5,564 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Kyou dreams of the nightmares that haunt his world and Akito feels his pain. She feels the need to help him, even if he is the Cat. Written in 2006. Rock-A-Bye AO3: here Fandom: Fruit's Basket Status: Complete Words: 1,347 Rating: G Summary: Young Akito goes to visit newborn Kyou to see what the big fuss is. Written in 2006. Seeing Red AO3: here Fandom: Fruit's Basket Status: Complete Words: 1,060 Rating: PG Summary: Old wounds bleed just as much as new one's. Written in 2006. Resolve AO3: here Fandom: Fruit's Basket Status: Complete Words: 1,695 Rating: PG Summary: New Year's has come and Akito wonders if there is somethingthat rivals her connection with her jyuunishi. Written in 2006. White Flag AO3: here Fandom: Skies of Arcadia Status: Complete Words: 5,845 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Getting captured and breaking free. Written in 2006. Boredom AO3: here Fandom: Death Note Status: Complete Words: 1,418 Rating: G Summary: Light is just so bored. Written in 2006. Justified AO3: here Fandom: Kingdom Hearts II Status: Complete Words: 6,573 Summary: Axel will do anything to get the one that makes him feelalive back. Written in 2007. One Blood AO3: one | two Fandom: The Boondock Saints Status: Complete Words: 8,868 Summary: They are two halves one person sharking one heart, one life, and one blood. Written in 2007. Someone To Die For Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 7,178 Rating: PG-13 Summary: With another job lined up and Ariadne is once againbuilding impossible things when something goes wrong. And now she's trapped in a catch-22 with Arthur with everything on the line. Written in 2010. Everything That Is Real (Comes Around) AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 61,152 Rating: R Summary: When circumstances force the team to work for Fischer they find themselves against a whole different opponent. The job is risky and he wanted the best but before long they find that the risks in the dream are nothing compared to those in the real world. Written in 2010. The Point and The Pencil AO3: here Inception: Inception Status: Complete Words: 2,238 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ten Ariadne/Arthur drabbles written during the course often different songs. Written in 2010. Crash AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 6,124 Rating: R Summary: Arthur refuses to let anything hurt Ariadne. He is her white knight that comes to her rescue whether she needs to be or not. Written in 2010. Choose Wisely AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 3,328 Summary: Ariadne wants Arthur to make the ultimate choice. Written in 2010. Questionable Work Ethics AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 4,543 Rating: PG-13 Summary: The first time they meet Eames goes out of his way to get on Arthur'severy nerve. They bicker, argue and generally do not see eye to eye. Arthur is sure they will never get along. Written in 2010. So Long And Goodnight AO3: one | two | three | four Status: Incomplete Words: 5,811 Rating: PG Summary: This is a series of fics that deals with the death ofa significant other with each of the major couples of the series (that I am comfortable writing decently). I write one where x dies and y mourns and another section where y dies and x mourns. Written in 2010. Beautiful Stranger AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 16,057 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Dom Cobb handed Eames a picture of their mark; a brown eyed, dark haired kid, a baby really, the forger could only stare and wonder what this kid did to make the military turn to them for the extraction. Written in 2010. Sweet Spot AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 1,950 Rating: R Summary: Ariadne finds the perfect place to make Arthur relax. Written in 2010. Torn Knuckles AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 1,458 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Their first kiss was not under the best circumstances. Written in 2010. Battle Scars AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words:8,435 Rating: PG-13 Summary: The second time they work together Arthur knows be is being abrasive, stubborn and passive aggressive with how he acts toward Eames while Eames acts like nothing ever happened. Now Arthur just wishes Eames would just go away for good. Written in 2010. For You, Anything AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 2,325 Rating: PG Summary: How far is Arthur willing to go for Cobb. Written in 2010. Violating Trust Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 3,339 Summary: There were no excuses, nothing he could say to make it better and no taking it back. Written in 2010. She Wakes Up AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 2,101 Rating: R Summary: Arthur says watching people die in dreams gets easier but Ariadne is not convinced. Written in 2010. Catch and Release AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 12,499 Rating: R Summary: Arthur and Eames work well together now and Arthur could not be happier. Their relationship isn't complicated and that's the way he likes it. It doesn't stay that way for long though. Written in 2011. Sometimes Goodbye's The Only Way AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 5,203 Rating: PG-13 Summary: There were many things she was not expecting to see when she opened her door. At the top of the list was Arthur, bloody and bruised, eyes wide as if he could not quite focus on what was going on. Written in 2011. Abyss AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 6,819 Rating: R Summary: Arthur is one deep breath away from being swallowed by oblivion while Eames and Cobb race to get there in time. Written in 2011. No Definition AO3: here Series: 6 Works Fandom: Inception Status: Incomplete Words: 142,447 Rating: R Written in 2011-2020. Strain AO3: here Fandom: Inception Status: Complete Words: 1,250 Rating: PG-13 Summary: "I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumpedbattery acid. Then I ran some more." Writtem in 2011 Protection AO3: here Series: 2 Works Fandom: X-Men: First Class Status: Complete Words: 27,133 Rating: PG-13 - R Written in 2011. World On Fire AO3: here Fandom: BBC Sherlock Status: Complete Words: 9,265 Rated: R Summary: He was just John Watson now that Sherlock was gone, ordinary, boring, so why was someone trying to kill him? Written in 2012. Countdown AO3: here Fandom: BBC Sherlock Status: Complete Words: 4,905 Rated: R Summary: Sherlock pulls the trigger at the pool but Moriarty takes the thing that means the most to Sherlock. Now Sherlock has find John before it's too late. Written in 2012 Stupid Things AO3: here Fandom: Teen Wolf Status: Complete Words: 2,732 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Stiles had done a lot of stupid things in his life but wandering around the woods, alone, on a full moon, in a town full of werewolves ranked pretty high on the list. Written in 2012 I Don't Sleep (I Dream) AO3: here Fandom: Avengers/Inception Status: Complete Words: 29,514 Rated: R Summary: When Thor Odinson hires extractor Steve Rogers to perform an extraction and an inception on his brother Loki he knows he is going to need the best in the business. His team, however, is scattered after an accident left them minus a member. While the rest of his team prepares for the jobs of their lives Steve is haunted by the shade of Bucky Barnes. Will the best team in the business be able to perform two jobs on a single target or will Bucky follow through with his promise to ruin their reputations and their lives? And what of Thor's strange brother, Loki and what lies in his twisted subconscious? Written in 2012. Ten Years Gone Series: 8 Works Fandom: Teen Wolf Status: Complete Words: 144,239 Rated: PG-13 - R Written in 2012-2020. Down With The Sickness AO3: here Fandom: Teen Wolf Status: Complete Words: 7,132 Rated: PG-13 Summary: When the wolves seem to come down with the flu Stiles is very confused. The internet does not yield any answers but he is still worried. There is something going on that might have much more deadly consequences. Written in 2013. Hell of a Good Day to Die AO3: here Fandom: Teen Wolf Status: Complete Words: 6,137 Rated: PG-13 Summary: It took three years for everyone to get over themselves and finally become one pack. When hunter's that Chris refers to as 'rookies' show up in town Derek and the rest of the wolves brush them off as if they aren't a threat. Allison and Stiles are not as convinced and with good reason. Written in 2013. Blow Me Away AO3: here Fandom: James Bond - Craig Movies Status: Complete Words: 4,617 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Q struggled to disarm the bomb as the timer continued to tick down as if mocking him for his incompetence. Written in 2013. The Future Still Remains AO3: here Fandom: Pacific Rim Status: Status Words: 5,379 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Someone once asked Chuck Hansen what he wantedto do with his life if the war against the Kaiju ended. Written in 2013. Crime is a Logical Extension AO3: here Series: 2 Works Fandom: James Bond - Craig Movies Status: Complete Words: 97,676 Rated: R - NC-17 Written in 2013-2022. Start Spilling Our Sweat (And Not Our Blood) AO3: one | two | three Fandom: Pacific Rim Status: Complete Words: 52,361 Rated: R Summary: Leatherback's EMP blast does more damage than they originally thought, and Pentecost is forced to ground Chuck. After Herc and Pentecost clear the way and Mako and Raleigh save the world, the last three jaeger pilots must learn to heal now that the world isn't ending. However, not everyone in the world is happy that the Kaiju are gone. Written in 2014-2016. So Much Sunshine in the Square Inch AO3: here Fandom: The Gifted Status: Complete Words: 4,156 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Post-Season One: "We need your help," Clarice said. "The Purifiers have taken someone and we want to make sure we get them back. Our powers are all largely defensive and you two are offensive. We want them back with as little bloodshed as possible." Lorna felt her heart sink as she looked between the three of them. Marcos wasn't here and he wasn't a coward. He would face her if he was able to and he wasn't here. "Where is Marcos?" Lorna asked. "Tell me everything." Written in 2018. Persevere and Get It Done AO3: here Series: 4 Works Fandom: Star Wars Status: Incomplete Words: 102,573 Rated: R - NC-17 Written in 2018-2020. Worst Nightmare AO3: here Fandom: The Gifted Status: Complete Words: 1,926 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Lorna has been hidden away in a secluded cabin with almost no metal in it while the Inner Circle tries to figure out with her pregnancy related power flares. She's only six months pregnant, they still have three months to go, so someone needs to figure this out. No one is supposed to approach the cabin except at designated times so Lorna is ready to defend herself when she feels someone trying to sneak up on her on the second day. Written in 2018. Vengeance Has No Foresight AO3: here Series: 2 Works Fandom: Game of Thrones Status: Complete Words: 380,520 Rated: R Written in 2019-2021. The Sweet Compulsion of Music AO3: here Series: 9 Works Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete-ish Words: 102,518 Rated: PG-13 - NC-17 Written in 2020. Needs of the Many AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven Fandom: The Old Guard Status: Complete Words: 81,026 Rated: R Summary: "A fine justification. I've heard it so many times before" were the words Nicky spoke, and they were words he had heard so many times. From Kings claiming that the world would be better if they ruled to murders justifying the mass slaughter of people, evil will use the concept of the greater good as justification for their own horrific actions. While The Old Guard had seen that play out throughout history, this wasn't even the first time someone justified hurting them in the name of the greater good.[5 times someone used changing the world or the greater good as a justification to hurt The Old Guard] Written in 2020. More Than Endless Repetition AO3: here Series: 4 Works Fandom: The Sandman Universe Status: Incomplete Words: 139,416 Rated: PG-13 - NC-17 Written in 2022-2024.