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"Such sweet compulsion doth in music lie." John Milton She Who Pays The Piper Calls The Tune AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 7,890 Rated: NC-17 Summary: So she wasn't entirely sure what was going on, which was the excuse Yennefer was going to use if anyone asked her how she managed to walk into a camp without even realizing it. One moment she was alone in the forest, and the next, half a dozen men were surrounding her. They wore familiar black armor, and Yennefer guessed that she must have somehow wandered into a Nilfgaard encampment that had managed to escape the slaughter. They were saying something to her, but she had no idea what. She didn't really care. The fire was right there in front of her, and she used it to end all of their lives. Her grip on her Chaos felt strange like it was falling through her fingers, and she decided that it was probably time to find somewhere to hide."Yennefer?" a broken voice said. Yennefer turned intending to end another life and blinked. A pair of familiar blue eyes stared back at her in torn and dirty clothes. He was thinner and covered in blood and bruises. His hands were tightly bound in front of him, and he looked like he was about to pass out. "Jaskier," she said, and they stared at each other for what felt like a long time. Written in 2020. The Production of Sacred Things AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 10,087 Rated: NC-17 Summary: The tavern wasn't busy, but the two people sitting at the table stood out to him immediately. They were staring at him, and they seemed to be waiting for someone, maybe even him, to walk through the door. The man looked to be in his late twenties to early thirties with dark brown hair and some of the brightest blue eyes that Eskel had ever seen. He wore a dark blue doublet and fitted clothes underneath his traveling cloak, and Eskel could see a lute case nearby with a sword and a bow and arrow. The woman was even more striking in her dark furs, raven black hair, and bright purple eyes. They were sitting close to each other, but they weren't entirely leaning into each other, either. He knew both of these people based on drunken stories told around fires during the winter, and judging by the way they both smiled; he had a feeling they both knew who he was too. Eskel wasn't about to show fear to anyone, and he walked across the room to take the empty seat across from the two of them and stared them both down. "I know who you both are," he said. "My brother has mentioned both of you to me over the years. You must be Jaskier, the bard," he said to the man, "and you must be Yennefer of Vengerberg." Written in 2020. Wounded Wolves At Bay AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 13,303 Rated: NC-17 Summary: Whatever Geralt expected when he turned the corner into the training grounds, it was not what was waiting for him. Yennefer stood next to Vesemir, dressed in a black but simple dress. It looked warm and comfortable, and unlike anything he had ever seen her in. Snowflakes were collecting in her black hair, and from here, Geralt could see that her purple eyes were shining. There was a blade attached to her hip, which didn't seem right because Yennefer didn't usually carry weapons. They all noticed him, and the person that was sparring with Eskel turned around. Jaskier looked the same. His brown hair was a little longer and curling from the wind and the snow from being outside, but his eyes were just as big and just as blue. He was also dressed down in warm-looking clothing that was dyed a deep navy blue. He had a sword in his hand, and he was even holding it like he knew what he was doing. Geralt had no idea what they were doing here or how they even got here. Written in 2020. A Princess With the Strength of a Warrior AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 4,977 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Kaer Morhen has become a safe haven, a place where she can rest while the rest of the world burns around her, but Ciri is still haunted by the memories of Cintra. She wonders if anywhere will ever feel like home again. Written in 2020. A Late Lark Twitters From the Quiet Skies AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 17,488 Rated: NC-17 Summary: The winter at Kaer Morhen has been one of the best of Jaskier's life. He's with Yennefer, he's with Geralt, he's with Ciri, and they are all safe. He's learning swordsmanship from one the masters of the craft and for the first time in a long time, he felt like he could finally rest just for a little while. Jaskier knew it couldn't last though and as the spring began to approach he knew he needed to have a difficult conversation with his lovers and that the home they spent the winter building was not one that was going to last; not with the war very much still happening. Written in 2020. A Gift Through Stone Walls AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 6,023 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Vesemir reluctantly lets the bard and witch stay in Kaer Morhen for the winter so they could have their conversation with Geralt. He didn't trust them but when Geralt came home he brought Ciri and they made her smile. There was a lot he would tolerate to see Ciri smile. However, when Yennefer and Jaskier go on their own mission he is left with Geralt and Ciri and they need to be trained on how to work together and how to protect themselves in they're going to survive this war. Written in 2020. Land Where Sorrow is Unknown AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 13,001 Rated: R Summary: Lambert hated the witch and the bard the second they arrived at the front gates of Kaer Morhen. He didn't trust the witch's magic or her purple eyes or the way she would smirk like she was getting exactly what she wanted. He trusted the bard even less with his easy smiles or his cheery attitude or the way he didn't stink of fear even once or his ridiculous plan of lying to the entire continent to keep Geralt and Ciri safe. Lambert tolerated them for the winter because anything else would make Geralt and Ciri sad, and that wasn't an option. Once the winter ended, and he was on the Path again, Lambert planned on not thinking about Yennefer of Vengerberg or Jaskier the bard again. At least that was the plan until Lambert was riding along one afternoon, and a dying man that looked all too familiar got spat out of a portal. Gods damn it. Written in 2020. A Blessed Act of Oblivion AO3: here Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 6,526 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Triss suffered her own wounds at the Battle of Sodden Hill and needed time to recover. She needed time to find a new place in this world now that she bore the scars of the battle on her body and no court would take her. Triss just hoped that Yennefer made it out alive and she was pleasantly surprised when Yennefer turned up at her door months later with a bard in tow. She was so happy to see her former lover and friend happy and healthy again. Triss was even more surprised when Yennefer turned up at her door bloody, bruised, injured, and alone several months later. Written in 2020. Affectation Hides Three Times as Many Virtues AO3: one | two | three Chapters: one | two | three Fandom: The Witcher Status: Complete Words: 23,223 Rated: NC-17 Summary: Yennefer and Jaskier have been reunited after Nilfgaard tried to tear them apart but now they have to embark on a mission to find a way to give Jaskier his voice back. There is also a decent chance that Jaskier's parents might want revenge for humiliating them and Geralt and Ciri might not forgive them for getting captured and hurt in the first place. Oh, and they still need to figure out a way to convince the entire continent that Geralt and Ciri are dead so there's no need for Nilfgaard to keep trying to kill them while also coming to terms with how they all feel about one another and fighting a war. Should be a piece of cake. Written in 2020.