"Persevere and get it done."
George Allen, Sr.
That Which Is Lost By Not Trying
AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
Fandom: Star Wars
Status: Complete
Words: 26,116
Rated: R
Summary: Jyn is forced to relive the Battle on Scarif
over and over again until she gets it right. And maybe
she falls in love with Cassian on the way.
Written in 2020.
Hidden in the Shadows
AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
eight | nine | ten
Fandom: Star Wars
Status: Complete
Words: 37,924
Rated: R
Summary: After the events of Scarif, the Rogue One team
have been dishonorably discharged from the Alliance to
set an example and prevent any other soldiers from going
rogue. They don't have any allies left but they still
want to fight but they have to fight another way to do
it; from the shadows. They have blood on their hands,
they aren't the heroes the Alliance can rally behind,
but that doesn't mean they don't have a part to play in
this war.
Written in 2020.
Like An Exposed Nerve
AO3: one | two | three
Fandom: Star Wars
Status: Complete
Words: 36,416
Rated: R
Summary: With the Resistance running on fumes Leia has
to reluctantly send out Jedi’s-in-training Rey and Finn
on a mission with Poe to investigate what they believe
to be an abandoned base. What they find there is
something even more dangerous than a lightsaber;
Written in 2018.
A Bond Between Souls
AO3: here
Fandom: Star Wars
Status: Complete
Words: 2,117
Rated: NC-17
Summary: Poe returns from another mission exhausted
when Rey and Finn give him some bad news. Then they
decide to use the oldest trick in the book when it
comes to not dealing with your problems.
Written in 2020.