Far off in the depths of space, looming far away from the other colonies sat the peaceful colony of L6. One single family, a family that went by the name of Fonga, built the colony. Years back more people wanted to move to space but didn’t like the way colonies L1-L5 were run. Neither did the Fonga’s. So the family got all of their power and money and built the L6 colony cluster. Few people moved to the colony, because it was so secluded but the people who moved there loved it. Just a year after L6 was built, the people that lived there decided they needed a leader or at least what they would call a “representative” for their peaceful colony. Since the Fonga family put all their money and effort into building the colony, the people decided that the Fonga family should own the colony and that the position of leadership should be passed down through out the generations. With much hesitation, the Fonga family excepted this great honor. That was over 100 years ago and the Fonga family still had their peace and leadership over the peaceful colony.
The man in leadership of L6 at the time was John Fonga. He had a wife, Clarissa Fonga and four children. Shannon Fonga was nineteen years old, she was kind of tall with long, flowing brown hair down to her waist and her eyes were a deep green. Seline Fonga, was fifteen, she was tall and muscular. She had short strawberry blonde hair that barely came to her ears and forest green eyes. Jason Fonga was fourteen, he was pretty tall with blackish brown hair that was cut short and he had deep green eyes as well. And little Marie Fonga was the youngest at six, she was very short for her age with strawberry blonde hair just past her shoulders and pale blue eyes. Although the colony was very peaceful, John Fonga was very protective of his children. He had heard horror stories of 15 year olds being sent into the military and being killed only days later. He was deeply afraid that somehow, someone who convince one if not all of his children to join the military. Then he would loose them forever. All four of his children were home schooled and were never aloud outside. Since the children had no one else, they were all extremely close.
“What if someday, this colony is invaded by some elite force and we’re separated and captured? How will we let each other know to hide?” Seline brought up one day while the children were hanging out in the back yard of their large home, which was surrounded by tall walls.
“We should come up with some sort of code or something.” Shannon suggested.
“Yeah but what?” Jason asked.
“I know, we’ll yell something like…Goota ka frenta. Lamina ji loo.” Seline suggested.
“What heck does that mean?!” Jason shouted. Seline could only shrug and Shannon shook her head and smiled.
“We’ll never have to use it though, the world and space are both very peaceful. Besides, no one knows about this colony. How could they possibly invade. You better not bring this up in front of father or who knows what will happen. You know how much he hates talking about war and such.” Shannon said with a silly grin on her face. She shook her head again and started to walk back to the house, mumbling, “Being invaded…yeah right.” Seline’s eyes hit the ground,
“Anything is possible.” She thought.
“Seline! Seline where are you?” Jason screamed at the top of his lungs. He had checked everywhere for his sister but she was no where to be found. “Maybe I should check her room one more time.” He thought to himself. Jason loomed himself down the long hallway to Seline’s room. He passed paintings and family portraits. He walked up to her door, knocked and then let himself right in. There was Seline, sitting on her bed, reading a book. She looked up from her book very slowly.
“Close and lock the door.” She ordered, her voice very serious.
“Where were you? I just checked in here about five minutes ago, where were you hiding?” Jason asked, his hands on his hips.
“I said close and lock the door and don’t ask any more question.” Seline said again. Jason did what he was told right away, he had never seen Seline so serious. “Out of everyone in this family…I trust you the most Jason. I have to show you something but you are to never tell anyone. Your secrecy can determine a person’s life as well as mine own. Can I trust you Jason?”
“Yes, you can trust me Seline.” Jason said sternly, “I’m your brother, why couldn’t you trust me?”
“Alright then.” She said, ignoring his question. Seline walked over to a light switch by her closet. She reached behind it and opened it to reveille a keypad with numbers on it.
“Where did that come from?” Jason asked his eyes wide.
“Don’t ask any questions Jason. All the answers will come soon.” Seline replied. She started to tap some numbers into the pad and then the wall opened to reveille an elevator. “After you.” she said. Jason, with a bit of hesitation, walked into the elevator. Seline walked in after him, typed a code into another keypad. The wall closed along with the elevator doors and it started to move downward.
“When did we get a elevator leading underground? It certainly wasn’t in the blue prints that for sure.” Jason said in kind of a joking matter. Seline didn’t laugh nor smile, she stared straight ahead, Jason decided that whatever she had to show him…it wasn’t any laughing matter. The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened, Seline brushed past Jason and out the door. Jason followed close behind but as soon as he saw what lay before him, he had to stop and look about in awe.
The walls, ceiling and floor were all made of a spotless metal that made the giant room look like a mirror. Computers with more buttons that Jason could imagine lined a far wall, and the screen took up at the least half, if not more of the wall. From the floor to the ceiling, it had to be at least 100 feet tall and 50 feet wide and 50 feet long. A sheet covered something very tall and metal, it stood smack in the middle of the room. Jason was so amazed and confused that he almost missed the stairway the lead down to the ground.
He looked forward and saw Seline walked towards a scrawny looking man. He was maybe only 5’3 at the most, his hair was as white as snow and it stuck out in all directions, his eyes were black and beady but you couldn’t see them very much because they were cover by thick glasses that looked more like goggles. He wore a white lab coat over a plain Grey shirt and pants. What Seline did next made Jason think he was going to fall down the flight of metal stairs. She saluted.
“I see you’ve finally decided to show someone this place eh?” the man asked.
“Yes sir. Professor Lumbardi, meet my fourteen-year-old brother Jason. Jason, this is Professor Lumbardi.” Seline said.
“You may call me Professor L my boy…well just don’t stand there come down the stairs.” Professor L told Jason. Jason walked slowly down the stairs, never taking his eyes off of Professor L. He stood next to the man and Seline, staring.
“What—who—when—can someone please tell me what’s going on??” Jason asked. Seline could only smile at how naïve her younger brother was.
“This is a very long story, Jason so I’ll start form the beginning. First I’ll tell you how Professor L and I met. About three years ago, on my thirteenth birthday, I decided to sneak out for the first time ever. I was wondering around town when I bumped into Professor L. He automatically knew who I was, which knocked me off my feet. It was then that he told me about this place and what was going to happen over the next three years. We came down here and I started my training.” Seline explained.
“But what kind of training and why?” Jason asked.
“Please Jason let me finish. It was then that Professor L told me about the organization called The Alliance Military. They were planing on world domination. They would start by taking over the colonies and then Earth. My mission was to stop them and anyone else who got in the way of total pacifism. But I certainly wasn’t ready to enter the battlefield and these weren’t going to normal battles with skin to skin or gun to gun. They were going to be mobile suit against mobile suit. A mobile suit is a machine that is shaped like a person but soldiers sit inside and control them. I needed more than just the standard mobile suit, I needed one that was 100% better. It was during my training that we started to make SilverGun.”
“Whose SilverGun?” Jason asked.
“That is.” Seline replied pointing to the large figure cover by the sheet. Professor L pulled the sheet off the large object that sat in the middle of the room. It revealed a large suit that was about 50 feet high and made fully of metal. Strapped to its back was a weapon that looked like a two-sided sword only with no blades. Most of the suit was either silver or a deep rich blue. In it’s other hand was a large gun and on it’s other side was a large shield. Parts of the suit looked unfinished. Jason stood dumbfounded, his jaw hanging and he eyes wide. He looked at Seline but she was staring at the suit, with a look of pride. “Jason, this is my suit…SilverGun.”
“These suits are far more advanced than the standard mobile suit used by the Alliance. They are called Leos. They work but they’re not very strong. Another fact is that it also depends on the pilot. More soldiers aren’t half as good as Seline. This suit is made entirely of Gundamiam, a very strong and powerful metal.” Professor L said.
“But how come some parts are missing?” Jason asked.
”SilverGun is about 80% complete at the present time.” Seline replied. Jason nodded and turned back to Professor L.
“How good is my sister?” Jason asked with curiosity. Professor L laughed.
“To be quite honest my boy, her skills are a little less than perfect. As they should be if she wants to survive a battle.” He replied.
“You mentioned the Alliance Military, what’s up with them at the present time?” Jason asked.
“Currently, the Alliance is doing just what we predicted they would do. They started taking over the colonies. So far, they’ve taken control of colonies L1-L5.” Seline explained.
“That means…they’re coming for us next?” Jason asked.
“How long do you give them Professor?” Seline asked Professor L.
“A week to a week and a half at the most.” He replied. Jason’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “A week to a week and a half?! That’s all?!” he thought.
“We still have 20% to finish on SilverGun.” Seline inquired, “Care to help Jason? We need all the help we can get. We still have to finish and then test…everything.”
“Why do you have to test everything? I mean, this thing is practically unbeatable.” Jason said in a matter of fact way. Seline whirled around and glared at Jason with the most anger he had ever seen in her eyes.
“Sure it’s unbeatable but it can’t be unbeatable if it blows up in mid-battle. I have only one chance, if something goes wrong I can’t stop a battle and say, “My gun isn’t working, can you wait a minute while I go fix it. Not only will my mission fail but I’ll also get myself killed. Do you want that Jason Fonga, do you?” Seline snapped her voice slapped Jason in the face. It was so harsh the Jason actually flinched. Professor L came over and put his hands are her shoulders,
“Take it easy Seline, save your anger for the Alliance. Besides, you know how naïve your brother is. He wouldn’t know.” Professor L said talking to Seline and not even taking notice that Jason was standing there and could hear every word. “Let’s get to work…you can follow blue prints can’t you?” he asked.
“Yeah I can but—“ Jason started to ask a question.
“Great, Seline start working on the top right side.” Professor L instructed. Seline saluted and walked over the SilverGun. He watched her walk towards SilverGun, but he noticed that she really didn’t walk but did more of a march.
“Professor L?” asked Jason. Professor L turned around and started at Jason, a look in his eyes that read “yes?”
“Why did you choose Seline instead of Shannon or maybe…even…me?” Jason asked. Professor L looked at Jason, his eyes full of happiness and worry and maybe even a little bit of sadness were all visible.
“Jason, you don’t know enough about your sister for me to answer that question. Maybe some other time, maybe even later………….alright go look at the blue prints and you have the bottom left side. Get to work. Hop to, chop chop!.” He said and clapped his hands and walked towards Seline who had hocked herself to a wire that hung from the ceiling. Professor L pulled her up and she landed on what looked like the shoulder of the mobile suit. She looked at the computer screen and started to work. Jason looked at the computer screen as well and started to work, with half a million questions running through his head.
“Jason, you should head back up to the house. Mom and Dad will be looking for you.” Seline said.
“Why won’t they be looking for you as well?” Jason asked.
“Because I’ve been disappearing for hours on end for three years now. Mom and Dad have stopped worrying. I’ll walk you too the elevator and show you how it works.” Seline said and she started to lower himself down. Jason, whipped the oil and grease off his hands. Seline dropped to the floor and started to walk over to the staircase. Jason followed.
“Seline, why don’t you want anyone to know about this?” Jason asked.
“Because, someone would come up with some crazy idea like…I’m a spy working for the Alliance Military building a secret army under the house. Then it would be searched, Professor L would be found and put in prison or worse. Right then and there, SilverGun would be destroyed and my mission would have failed. Not to mention…I could be put in prison or worse. See why this is so important?” Seline explained with little patients. Jason nodded. “Jason, you have to promise me two things ok? One, you have to keep this a total secret. Don’t ask me about it in public, only when the door is shut and locked. Two, if anything should go wrong and the lives of our family are in danger, you take them down here. You’ll be safe and no one will ever know about this place. You have to promise me that you’ll use your absolute best judgment. This is serious…very serious.” She stared into his eyes, never taking her gaze off of his. Jason swallowed and could only nod. Seline turned and walked into the elevator.
“So…how to do you work this thing?” Jason asked.
“Behind my light switch for my closet is the keypad to get down. Just reach behind and pull. Type in the code and the wall will open. The code is 27391. Go in the elevator and there’s another keypad. To go down, type in the second code which is 18862. Then you’ll start to head down here. To get back up, go in the elevator and type in the third code. The third code is 11966. You’ll start to head back up. The elevator door will open but the wall won’t. The open it you have to punch in the fourth code, the keypad on the left sidewall. The code is 14465. Then your out.” Seline explained.
“But what’s with the four different codes?” Jason asked.
“If some how, someone cracked the first code, they would have to break the second to get down. Then, if they got down, they have to break two more codes to get back up. The chances of someone doing that are one in a million.” She explained. The elevator door opened and Seline stepped towards the keypad. She quickly typed in the code and Jason stepped out. He turned around when she didn’t follow.
“Aren’t you coming?” He asked.
“No. But I’ll be up for dinner. I have a lot of work to do on SilverGun. I’ll see you later.” The elevator closed and then the wall. Jason was left standing there, a bit puzzled…and a bit afraid.
Seline leaned against the wall of the elevator, thinking about whether or not she had made the right choice telling Jason about Professor L and SliverGun. “He won’t tell.” She said to no one in particular, “I know he won’t.” The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened. Seline stepped out and walked down the stairs towards Professor L. He smiled a warm smile at her and said,
“Your brother seems like the right person to tell.”
“I guess. Professor L, what did Jason ask after I left to go work on SilverGun?” Seline asked.
“Why I chose you and no him or Shannon.”
“Why did you choose me? I never really asked.”
“Your sister was too dependent on her naïve world and Jason has the skills deep inside of him but he was really too young to start training on and your skills were already showing.”
“Can I ask you something Professor?”
“Out of my entire family, who do you think is going to survive the invasion?”
“Your brother without a doubt. He’s strong but certainly needs work.”
“When I go to start my mission, you’ll start training him right?”
“Of course. Now let’s get back to work. Before we do, I have something for you. I made it this afternoon. It will help in case the Alliance is coming and I need to warn you.” Seline and Professor L walked over to the desk by the computer. Sitting on the desk was what seemed to be a beeper. I’ll alert you when the Alliance is on its way, all it will do is vibrate and then I need you to come immediately.” Seline nodded and put the beeper on. “Let’s get back to work.” Seline nodded and they started at SilverGun.
“We’re running out of time, and fast.” Seline thought to herself.
“So where did you disappear off to today Jason?” Mr. Fonga asked.
“No where, just hanging around.” Jason replied. The family was sitting at the table eating dinner, Seline and Jason both remained pretty quiet. “Jason hasn’t said anything stupid yet.” Seline thought. The dinner went along as normal, Jason looked like he was trying to think of something, how to say something for that matter. He would get a look that he wanted to say something, then suddenly change his mind and keep his mouth shut. A small not started to form in her stomach, “What if he tells?” she thought but then she remembered what Professor L had taught her. “Never depend on ‘What if’ questions because they will only distract you.” Seline felt a smile form her face and she loosed up. Then Jason made his move.
“I was surfing the Internet today and I found some really interesting things.” Jason said quietly.
“What exactly did you find?” Mr. Fonga asked.
“It said that some Alliance Military was starting over the colonies and they were going move over and take over this colony.”
“That will never happen, don’t worry about it son.”
“But what if they do. Shouldn’t we worn the civilians that there might be a chance that there might be a invasion.”
“I said not to worry about.”
“But still---“
“I SAID not to WORRY about it!”
“But Dad---“
“Jason, I think the Internet is having a bad affect on you. Maybe I better take it away. You’d be so much happier without it.”
“Dad, that is our only connection to the world outside these damm walls! Don’t take away only thing that keeps me sane!!!!”
“This is for your own good Jason.”
“YOU JUST DON’T GET IT DO YOU! WE MIGHT GET INVADED AND YOU DON’T CARE! WHY DO YOU KEEP US LOCKED UP LIKE THIS! WHY DAD, WHY?!” Jason screamed slamming his fist on the table. Mr. Fonga stood up and slammed his fist even harder on the table.
“WHAT ABOUT SHANNON?! SHE’S 18 AND SHE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!!!!! AND MARIE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE WORDS ‘PARTY’ OR ‘FRIENDS’ MEAN!!” Jason and Mr. Fonga glared at each other, they’re eyes never leaving the others eyes. Mr. Fonga sat down very slowly and said, surprising very calmly,
“This conversation is over, the Internet will be taken away tomorrow and I don’t want to hear another word about it.” Jason stood there fuming, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.
“I agree with you Daddy, I think that taking the Internet away will make everyone happier. Shannon said smiling.
“I’m not hungry.” Jason grumbled and he stomped away. Everyone looked down at his or her food except Marie, who wore a look of confusion.
“Clarissa, I’m a good father right?” Mr. Fonga asked his wife.
“Yes, you are honey.” She replied. Seline felt her father’s eyes on her and she refused to look up at him. She finished her food quickly and just about ran away from her naïve family.
As she was walking towards her brother’s room, she felt her pity turn into fuming anger. She threw open his door and stormed into his room, he was sitting on his bed taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Seline could feel her anger growing more and more, she glared at him finally spoke,
“What is wrong with you, Jason? Are you trying to ruin everything that I’ve been working on for three years?”
“I’m sorry, I was trying to protect the civilians from the Alliance, that’s all.” He replied.
“Jason, do you think that Dad hasn’t notice that I have natural talent in the fighting department. I lied to you earlier. The first time I snuck out of the house was when was eight years old. I found a man who could teach me self-defense both with and without a sword. By the time I was twelve, I could beat a man that had been training his whole life. Dad knows that my talents are fighting and he knows that’s what I want to do when I turn twenty-one. Dad doesn’t want that, and he knows or so he thinks that I’m trying to drag you into fighting. Your lucky Dad didn’t get mad at me. Everything could have been ruined…everything.”
“I…I…I didn’t know…I’m…I’m so sorry Seline. Came you forgive me?”
“Yes, of course I can but just be more careful next time.”
“How is SilverGun coming?”
“He’s finished.”
“I’m going to head down to start testing him tonight. You are going to bed.”
“Alright, I’ll help you tomorrow.”
“You missed one.” Mrs. Fonga said, pointing to a weed in the backyard. Seline nodded and pulled it out. It had been about three days since the dinner fight and Professor L and herself had just doing the final testing on SilverGun that morning. Things were quiet even though Mr. Fonga and Jason didn’t talk to each other too much. Seline was surprising relaxed even though the hours were ticking away. Suddenly, Seline felt a small vibration on her side, she automatically knew what that meant. She jumped up and ran into the house, while her parents were yelling at her to come back and help with the yard. She raced up the stairs and burst in her bedroom door, her fingers fumbling with the lock. She opened the keypad and typed in the code. When she reached the elevator, she typed in the code and pushed the “Emergency Speed” button and held on the rail as the elevator flew underground. The elevator door opened and Seline slid down the railing, landing at the bottom and ran towards the computer screen and the waiting Professor L.
“What’s up?” Seline asked breathlessly.
“Here they come.” He replied and he pointed to the approaching military ship and Leos. She nodded and shook her head. “It’s alright, you knew this was coming.” Seline could only nod and started up to the upper level. “Seline!”
“Yes?” she said turning around the look at Professor L.
“Don’t say or do anything foolish. 30 minutes and counting.” She nodded and raced up the stairs to the elevator. The doors and wall opened and she stepped out, her beeper was set at the timer. 27:45. She unlocked the door and Jason was standing there waiting, his eyes wild.
“Seline! What going on?!” he asked quickly, “Mom said you ran out of the backyard faster than she’d ever seen you run before?”
“They’re coming.” She replied and put the beeper in his face. Now it read, 26:59. Jason looked up at her but he didn’t need to say anything for Seline could read his eyes, he was afraid…very afraid. The two of them walked outside, trying to act as normal as possible but Shannon noticed the fear in Jason’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Nothing…” Jason replied, avoiding her gaze. Shannon shrugged and walked away, shaking her head. Every second, Jason got more and more uneasy. Time seemed to speed up and before they knew it, Seline was staring at her beeper, she leaned over to Jason and whispered “One minute and counting.” Then what seemed to be only a second she said “30 seconds and counting.” Then, only seconds later she whispered, “Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…two…one.” There was an explosion and Seline and Jason could hear the civilians screaming outside the walls. She leaned over and said, “They’re here.” A cell phone rang and Mr. Fonga answered it,
“Hello? What?! Invaded?! By whom?….The Alliance Military?!” he hung up he phone and looked at his family, “We’ve been invaded by the Alliance Military.” Mrs. Fonga and Clarissa gasped and Marie again looked confused. “Everyone get in the house and stay there, the man in charge of this wishes to have a word with me.” Mrs. Fonga pushed all her children into her home and Mr. Fonga got into his car and went to the meeting place. Seline shook her head and thought, “Father thinks he could convince them to leave but he’s wrong…and he doesn’t know how wrong he is.”
About an hour and a half after the invasion, Mr. Fonga returned. He looked like he had been slapped in the face with words and he looked very worried. “There is no chance that the General who’s in charge of this is going to leave. Since we didn’t put up to fight with machines, they’re going to let everyone, including us, stay in their homes. We are very lucky to have such a…caring General.” He explained he looked like the words “caring General” tasted bitter in his mouth. Everyone looked relieved except Seline, she knew that this was just a plan to do some serious damage.
Three days later, the house was low on food. The invasion made the family realize that they had to let the children out more, for they never knew when things could get worse. Mrs. Fonga decided to take little Marie on a little walk to the nearest market to buy food. Marie never looked so happy in her life but Seline was very worried. She had a feeling that something terribly bad was going to happen on that little stroll but she couldn’t stop fate…with much regret she watched them walk away from the house.
Seline only heard the story from a witness. The man said he saw the shadow of a young woman holding the hand of a little girl. He didn’t see the shooter…but he saw the gun. And he heard the gunshots. And he saw them fall. The young women and the little girl where later identified as Mrs. Clarissa Fonga and Marie Fonga. The shots were fatal blows to the back of the neck with the utmost accuracy, right into the pressure point, which killed them immediacy. Thankfully, with no pain. The family took their deaths very hard, especially Mr. Fonga who was both grief stricken and angry.
That night, the family sat around the table, morning the deaths of their mother and sister. Seline tried her best to cry but after the three years of training, she felt no emotion. Her father thankfully thought she was it shock and disbelief. “This is outrageous! The General promised no death! I see no other choice but to report this to the head of the Alliance. There is a difference to putting weapons on this colony and killing my family. I’m leaving in an hour and half and you’re not going to stop me! You are to never leave this house…EVER! UNDERSTOOD?” he explained to his family. No one responded except the nodding of heads. Mr. Fonga got up and went to his room to cry and to pack a few things for the trip. Shannon, Seline and Jason continued to at the table, with heads down in grief.
“Things couldn’t possibly get any worse!” Shannon said out loud, slamming her fist on the table.
“Yes they can.” Seline thought to herself. Things did get worse…much worse.
Exactly one hour later, Mr. Fonga came downstairs, carrying a small bag. He looked at his children, this is what he didn’t want them go through at such a young age. He felt his body start to shutter with fear and grief. Swallowing his pride and grief and walked slowly over to his children. “My ride is leaving in fifteen minutes, I really should try to get there a few minutes early so I should leave right now.”
“Alright Daddy. We better say our good byes. Well…bye bye Daddy.” Shannon said…slowly.
“Yeah, bye Dad.” Jason said.
“Bye Dad.” Seline said. They leaned over and had a group hug, long and tight. They never wanted to let go of each other, afraid for might happen if they let go. The tears fell down Mr. Fonga’s face and no matter how hard he tried not to let them. He pulled away from his children and looked at them.
“I’ll come back and we’ll make everything all right, okay?” he asked his children, all of them nodded together. “I promise.”
“Okay Dad, you better get going or you’ll miss your flight.” Shannon said and she gave him a little push out the door. He nodded and started down the stairs, he turned and waved, got in the car and drove away. The three children watched him drive away but they also saw a crowd forming by a podium.
“I want to check that out.” Shannon said and she started out the door.
“Shannon! Stop, Dad said to stay in the house and not to leave for any reason!” Jason said.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be very careful.” She replied and she started down the driveway.
“Let’s watch her from the third floor with the binoculars.” Jason said. Seline nodded and the two of them started up the stairs and they started watching Shannon. An Alliance Military officer stepped onto the podium. He smiled and started speaking in a loud, booming voice.
“My fellow civilians, you have trusted the Fonga family with the protection of the this colony. You’ve been told that all that they stand for is peace. I stand before you tell you that you’ve been lied too. I stand before you to tell you that you’ve all been used to protect anyone from finding out about their secret. The Fonga family is building a secret military under their home and keeping it a secret from all of you! They are planing to take over this colony. Not to mention the rest of the colonies and the Earth! They are planning a dictatorship against the whole wide world, they are saying things like the ‘The Fonga Era is Rising’. Do you want people like that to run this colony? NO! Of course not! Mr. Fonga is now on his way to the headquarters of the Alliance Military to assassinate the headmaster’s! We have to stop him right?” the General said.
“YES!” the civilians screamed.
“Should we shoot him down? End the pain before it starts?”
“YES! YES! SHOOT HIM DOWN! SHOOT HIM DOWN!” the civilians chanted. Seline moved the binoculars towards Shannon, she look horrified.
“Now my fellow civilians of colony L6, we will not sleep until every single Fonga is ripped off this colony and the world. Captain fire on the shuttle! Blow it out of the sky!”
“NO!!!!!!” Shannon screamed and she ran up to the podium to stop the General from pushing the button.
“Restrain her! That’s a Fonga!” the General screamed. Soldiers ran over to Shannon and grabbed her, putting a large fun gun to her head. The barrel pressed against her cheek. “Push the button, Captain!” The solider nodded and pushed the red button. There was silence for a moment and then an explosion could be heard from outside the colony. The civilians cheered and shouted in a joyous pattern. Over it all, Shannon’s voice echoed over the microphone, “Goota ka frenta. Lamina ji loo! Goota ka frenta. Lamina ji loo!” A solider hit her over the head with a gun and she fell down to the ground with a thud.
“MY civilians, my name is General Oosavich, and I say we march into the Fonga house and grab every member of the traitorous Fonga family!” The civilians went crazy, screaming and running towards the house. Seline yanked Jason back away from the window and turned him around fast.
“Pack up things that are one of kind only and meet me in my room, move!” Seline yelled at him. Jason didn’t ask questions, he just started moving. Seline ran into garage and opened a safe, her hands shaking so that she could barely move the dial. The safe opened and inside sat about 50 gallons of gasoline. She picked a bottle and started to soak everything that had anything that had pictures of any sort. By the time she was done, every computer had been erased and every picture and book that had a name on it was completely covered in gas. Seline put the last empty bottle into the safe and closed it tight. She ran up the stairs and into her room, slamming and locking the door behind her.
“Jason, do you remember all the codes?” Seline asked him breathlessly.
“Yeah, why?” he replied.
“Head down to Professor L and tell him to get SilverGun ready for transport and take off. There is another exit at the end of the lab, the codes are the same so you don’t need to worry about it. The Alliance is probably going to use Shannon as bait to get one of us to show our faces. Whatever happens, don’t let her in here. The Alliance would never let her free without a reason unless to get you to come out and show your face.”
“No matter what?”
“No matter what.” Jason typed into the code and walked into the elevator and stood there for a moment, staring at her.
“When will you come back?” Jason asked.
“I honestly don’t know Jason. Keep in touch, write me every day and keep my updated.” Seline replied.
“What are you going to do about the house?”
“Burn it, that’s why this elevator will be unavailable.”
“Alright, you better get going, I’ll miss you, and don’t go getting yourself killed.”
“I’ll miss you too and don’t worry…I won’t”
“Bye.” The elevator and wall closed and Seline could hear it slowly going down, then, she couldn’t hear it anymore. She opened the window and crawled onto the roof. She could hear the civilians banging on the gate and trying to break it down. She jumped to the ground and looked at the house, the smell of the gas was strong in some places gas has leaked through the floor and was dripping. Seline lit a match and threw it at the house, within a second the house was in flames. Seline couldn’t watch it burn, she turned her back on the house and walked away.
Seline walked slowly down the street, with no concern what so ever. Partly because no one other than her family knew who she was and because she knew that Jason and Professor L were going to be fine. The lab was made entirely of Gundamiam. Nothing could break the walls and ceiling. Professor L had made a transport tunnel running from the lab to a secret hanger. “By the time I get there SilverGun will be ready to go.” Seline thought to herself. The streets were deserted, everyone was helping with the fire. The only few that wondered the streets didn’t seem to care either way. The entrance to the hanger came into view. Right away, Seline knew that plan A, which was to just walk in and go in the secret hanger the easy way was out of the question. The doors were guarded by Alliance Military troops with large guns ready to shoot at anyone who tried to go in. She would normally face them but she was unarmed besides her fists. “Now onto Plan B.” Seline thought. She walked around the hanger to a small field. There was a large tree towards the back. Seline walked over to the tree and knocked on it three times. A keypad opened and she typed in the fourth code and a small door opened and she climbed in. The tunnel wasn’t tall enough for her to stand so just stuck to crawling. The tunnel was musty and pretty dark but no too far ahead, she could see a light. She reached the lighted door and pushed her way through. There stood SilverGun, it’s shinny, never before used metal looked perfect. She flipped a switch and a wire dropped. She held onto it and it lifted her to the waiting cockpit. Sitting on the seat was a note, which read,
Good luck and I’ll begin training Jason right away.
-Professor L
Seline smiled at the thought of her brother as a solider, it almost made her laugh. She sat down n the seat and the door closed. She switched the power on and the hanger door opened. Seline wasn’t the least bit afraid of being spotted, her mobile suit was designed to look like a falling star. Why would the Alliance Military pay any attention to that. She started to walk SliverGun forward, and then she blasted off into space leaving the colony that had been her home her whole life behind. Where she was headed…Earth. Seline could only think of one thing now and that was her mission. She would stop at nothing to complete it, and she saw it to be done soon. The truth was, her mission had only just begun.
The stars of space flew by Seline and SilverGun. They seemed to be endless, like there was no end to them, maybe because there wasn’t an end to them. She had been going through space for almost two hours and she had just passed colony L1. Earth was very close by. Seline was somewhat excited to see Earth, she had been told about Earth but she had never seen it. She looked at her radar, it read that Earth was coming into view. She looked forward and suddenly, Earth appeared out of no where. It was a fairly small planet but everywhere was clouds and under them looked like continents surrounded by deep blue oceans. Seline gasped, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her entire life. “Wow.” She whispered. She stared for moment and then she jerked herself back into reality. “All operations functional. Ready to enter the atmosphere.” She locked in on a safe spot in the atmosphere, small spot just big enough for a suit her size to come in. She clicked on the scan button to see if there would be any interference. The radar stated that there was a civilian shuttle entering the atmosphere on the other side of Earth and an OZ spacecraft closing in on a…shooting star? Her radar detected exacting five other shooting stars near Earth. “That’s a little weird.” Seline though to herself, but it wasn’t her mission to worry about falling stars, it was to get rid of OZ and the Alliance Military and any other organizations that will prevent peace. The atmosphere started to close in, and SilverGun started to shake violently, it was times like these that she was glad that SilverGun was made of Gundamiam. She started to pick up speed, she had been training for this moment and she was more than prepared. She clutched hard to the handles, keeping them very steady. The shaking made her head and teeth rattle…this certainly wasn’t the best part of the mission.
Then, as quickly as she had entered the atmosphere, she was out. The shaking stopped and she looked for a quick, safe place to land. She looked over and saw a spot near a mountain covered by tall trees. “The perfect spot.” She thought. She clicked a scan button and it scanned the area for a base, and there was none to be found but nearly ten miles away, sat a base for the Alliance Military. Seline smiled and landed SilverGun by the mountain. The gentle thud and sound of scattered bush was all Seline could hear. She landed SliverGun on one knee and laying very low, just in case. She opened the cockpit door and stepped out. Earth really was more amazing than she ever predicted. The smell of real green grass and seeing the magnificent blue sky, it was better than a dream. The sun was starting down and Seline felt like she had just been hit with a sleeping pill. Just before she jumped down to make camp for the night, she got a picture of the Alliance Military base near by. She smiled and pointed to the base, and said, “Target acquired.”
Quatre Raberba Winner never dreamed that he would be the pilot of a mobile suit. Not to mention, one of the most powerful mobile suits available to known man. Even though no one knew about it. It was drilled into his head that peace was the only way to go about things, no questions asked. His father did only one thing to help Quatre with his mission and that was only getting an Army to stand by his side.
Although Quatre knew what Earth looked like, he had never been there. When he first saw Earth, it was pretty breathtaking. There really wasn’t any other way to describe it in his mind. Although he knew that this was the only way and this was meant to be, somewhere deep inside of him a small voice said,
“This is wrong, go about it another way.” Whatever voice it was, Quatre did his best to ignore it although it rang in his ears. His mobile suit made entirely of the rare metal Gundamiam. He code-named it Sandrock. It was mostly browns, blacks and little red. Its main weapon, which were attached its back, were two, curved spears almost that could slice through some of the toughest metal. Its shield was circle shaped and attached to its right arm. Although he had very little experience in the fighting department, (and he very well knew that) he was still very good. Like any mobile suit pilot, his skills were near perfect.
The atmosphere was a lot worse than Quatre ever imagined the violent shaking made his body rattle. He knew that there was a certain place he had to land, that’s where his party would be meeting him. He was about to get used to the rattling when it stopped and he was out of the atmosphere. He burst through the clouds. A brown endless, sandy desert lay before him. The radar indicating that the base that he was looking for was very close. He only knew that the mini army had forty men and that their suits were individually made for each pilot. The base was coming up fast and Quatre felt like he was about to meet someone that he knew he’d become a really great friend with.
The base came into sight and Quatre got ready to land. He landed Sandrock with no problems and then he opened the cockpit door. A man came forward and he stood there waiting, and waving at him. He had a brown beard and brown hair with long sideburns.
“Hello.” The man said waving at him, “My name is Rasid Kurama. You must be Master Quatre.”
“Yes, it’s my pleasure to finally meet you Rasid.”
“Come, you must meet the rest of the Maganac Corps. They are very exciting to meet you.”
“I’m glad.” Quatre jumped down from the cockpit and landed on the arm sand of the desert.
“Before we meet the rest of the Maganac Corps, I’ll show you the base that we’re going to attack.” Rasid said, showing Quatre to the computer radar room. He pointed to the picture of the Alliance Military base sitting in the middle of the hot desert.
“That’s our first target.” Quatre said pointing to the picture of the base.
Duo Maxwell knew that this was it, this was the moment that he had been training for all those years. The years of hard training and spending late nights getting his skills to perfection…almost. He watched the Earth slowly get closer he felt himself get excited, this was the greatest moment of his life.
His mobile suit was made entirely of the rare, very powerful metal, Gindamiam. It was mostly deep blues and blacks with a little bit of yellow. Its main weapon was a beam blade that curved a little it could easily slice a Leo in half. Its other weapon was part of the shield, it shot out and hit a enemy square in the middle of their suit. He code-named his mobile suit, Deathsythe. It was made to strike fear into the hearts of anyone in the Military that heard or saw it. This ran through Duo’s head and then thought to himself,
“I’ve seen way too many movies.” He locked in a spot in the atmosphere and started speeding towards it. Deathsythe began to shake violently. He felt his teeth hitting each other in a painful matter. His head praticly snacked the back of his neck. The shaking made whatever brain Duo had rattle around in his head. He felt his stomach turn and he could almost taste whatever he had for breakfast. Though he could hardly remember the days when he had a hot breakfast. They seem to have slowly faded from his mind.
During the shaking it seemed hot, like if he didn’t break through the atmosphere soon, Deathsythe would melt and break away. Although the atmosphere only took a few minutes to get through, to Duo it felt like hours. Duo finally broke through, sliceing through puffy white clouds. Below him sat a large, shimmering lake with tall trees and mountains lining the sides. Even with the current situation, it was quite a beautiful scene.
Duo flipped on his scan button and up came a computer map. A blinking red like indacated where the next enemy base is and the red circles coming out around it are how far they can scan. Duo found that the closest enemy base was 11.5 miles east if his position.
“Good thing their radar's only spread 10 miles outside the base.” Duo thought.
Duo turned and headed west, landing on the closest side. He found a small clearing in the middle of very tall trees and landed Deathsythe in the middle. To keep as hidden as possible, Duo landed Deathsythe on one knee, low to the ground. Just before hoping out of the cockpit to setup camp, Duo got up an image of the base. He smiled and said,
“Hope you guys are ready for me!”
Trowa Barton very well knew what to except when he landed on the Earth. But on top of what he knew what to except, he really didn’t know how the Alliance and OZ would react to his Mobile Suit. Maybe they would welcome it as one of their own. Try to convince him to join OZ. Then again, they could assume that (even though it was true), that he came to slowly destroy the Alliance and OZ and any others that opposed peace.
Although Trowa wanted peace, it didn’t seem like something in the near future. Maybe someday but not in the next year or so, it seemed impossible. Peace was a word when spoken it seemed like you were speaking some foreign language. People looked at you like you had three heads or something. It seemed like no one in the colonies or no Earth really knew what true peace was.
Trowa’s mobile suit code name was Heavyarms and it was made entirely of Gundamium Alloy. If you ever tried to pilot Heavyarms you could feel why it got its name. Heavyarms is mostly red with a little but of white. On the right arm is a long semi-automatic gun. The ammo seemed endless although in a long battle it would run out. The chest opens to reveille two more guns. They aren’t as powerful as the main weapon but they still do a considerable amount of damage. Missals come out of the shoulder, chest, knees bad just about every other part of the body. On the left hand, used only when needed, is a long knife that comes out of the wrist. It’s not a beam blade but it certainly gets the job done.
Trowa was so lost in his thoughts about peace and how it would never happen that he wasn’t prepared for the atmosphere. The heat and shaking came so suddenly and they were so extreme that Trowa felt like he had been slapped in the face. He actually squinted and his head went back as if in pain. The shaking and the heat made Trowa cling to the controls and to close his eyes to stop the any pain even though he really couldn’t feel anything.
Just as fast as the shaking and heat had started, they stopped. Everything was normal and the clouds flew by, all white and fluffy. Trowa loosened his grip on the controls and opened his eyes. Around him lay a vast city by the sea, with tall buildings and homes everywhere. Towa turned west and headed towards the mountains near by. He pushed the scan button, and he was thankful to read that neither the city nor a base had picked him up. The nearest base was fifty-two miles away and closing. He kept flying towards it until he was about fifteen miles away. He landed in the trees and lay low. Towa got a picture of the base up on screen. He stared at the base for a moment and then he said,
“I, until like you, will never give in…target will be eliminated.”
Chang Wufei had always been in the battlefield, for as long he could remember he had been in a battle with someone or…even with himself.
Officially discontinued the fic this day after not working on it for over a year.