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"I'll stand in front of you I'll take the force of the blow Protection" 'Protection' Massive Attack I'll Take the Force of the Blow AO3: here Fandom: X-Men: First Class Status: Complete Words: 24,706 Rated: R Summary: Moira fired seven shots that day on the beach, and Erik deflected five of them with ease. The sixth, however, was the one that made the entire world slow down as blood began to stain Charles' stomach. It was enough of a distraction that he barely felt the seventh bullet, nor did he care what happened to it. Charles reached with bloodstained hands to remove the helmet just in time to tell Erik Sleep. When Erik woke up, he could no make himself look Charles in the eye, and he hid his thoughts behind the helmet. When he finally admitted to himself how much Charles meant to him, he was welcomed with open arms and forgiveness. However, they forget that just because they are hiding, that doesn't mean cannot be found, and that fear makes rational men do desperate things. Written in 2011. Stand In Front Of You AO3: here Fandom: X-Men: First Class Status: Complete Words: 2,427 Rated: PG-13 Summary: Takes place during 'I'll Take The Force Of The Blow' so read that one first. Raven worries and can only do so much when her brother goes missing. Written in 2012.