
Through the Eyes of a Madman
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

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Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
Hojo (Compilation of FFVII), Jenova (Compilation of FFVII)
Safaia's Old Fan Fiction Archive
Published: 2001-09-04 Words: 1,188 Chapters: 1/1

Through the Eyes of a Madman


A little insight to the true insanity that is Hojo.


From 2001: This fan fic takes place when Hojo is overloading the Sister Ray and it also takes place when AVALANCHE is "killing him".

Through the Eyes of a Madman

Why can't they see it? The stupid mortal human's they just can't see power that they are coming up against. As I stand here laughing my head off and pushing random buttons and a random time I wonder why I am so happy yet I know the end is near. Ha…I can hear the voices below, the failure, the vampire and their twisted friends thinking the impossible, that they could stop my son…and my beloved. Oh Jenova, Jenova, you are the only one that ever understood me to the fullest. Those heartfelt nights as I would sit and listen to you telling me about what I should be like what I should do and say and what not. Those words that no one but me could hear, me the chosen one to do your will. Tell me Jenova, my one true love, tell me what I should do now, what should I do to the innovators? The one's who think they stand a chance against our son. I see…thank you my love…we shall become one. I take these cells from the ruler of the world and make them my own! I am one with my love and there isn't a damn thing any person in this damned world could do about it! I shall never feel pain again for you will protect my every limb, my every hair and my every cell, which is now forever yours.

Here they come, the failure, the vampire and a twisted friend that wants to help. The failure…the one who I made to be the mirror of my son, the Great Sephiroth. But he never made it to the final stage, the stage when he becomes the mirror and the perfect clone. The one who would obey my every command and bow every time I passed him. A Sephiroth with no sanity but no need for it, no brain, but a genius, not f life but the life of the world. Cloud may be a failure but he turned out a lot better than I thought, much stronger but completely fucked up in the head.

The vampire…my first true experience in the world of what Jenova is capable of, the power she holds, the power we have with my genius and her power make us unstoppable. How he loved my Lucrecia so much, so much love lay there in their hearts. I pity them, their love and their ignorance. When he came up to me thirty years ago, telling me that I was crazy for injecting my love into my unborn son of my "wife" I had enough. He was trying to get me to stop what I was doing; to convince my Lucrecia that he loved her more than I did, even though I didn't give a shit about her. To leave the experiment and for them to live happily ever after………and all that other shit. To hell with that and when she came running to me with tears in her eyes, I almost felt something for her, almost.

But I did something I would never regret in my life, when Valentine came into my lab late at night I did the most rational thing I could think of…I shot the bastard. Heh…god did he ever bleed, his crimson blood all over my hands as I stood over him smiling, grinning and feeling so happy. I pulled his limp body onto my table, pulled put my tools and my plans for Sephiroth. I couldn't experiment on my son, what if something went wrong? So Valentine became my pig and I experimented on him and gave him his claw. Then I put him in his coffin for I thought forever, and telling Lucrecia that he just left her and that I was the only for her. She believed me. When she died, I laughed and told her to her face that she meant nothing to me and through those last tears, she cried Vincent's name…and she died giving birth to a god.

Now I think to myself as I talk random words to the failure, the vampire and the pilot. I tell Cloud what he is and what his purpose is in this world, and he doesn't believe me. Oh well, that's his fault, and his lose. Their getting me mad with their goody talk. I don't have to deal with this. I am one with Jenova and we are one. I feel my body changing…and I can barely see them fighting me. I feel my skin tingling and…I am so powerful, I can feel it burning within me. With their pathetic attacks, do they think they stand a chance against me? I think not. Second phase, I feel my bones stretching a forming and I feel myself rising tall above them. Ha! This is what it feels like to see the true power of Jenova! Vincent! Cloud! Why can't you see this power? Why? Because I was too lazy too crush those god forsaken "good souls" of yours! I thought the insanity would drive you to hate, like my brilliant son! I will kill you all to help Sephiroth. Do you think your magic has an affect on me? This form of evil is too weak, now to change again. I am small now, but off the ground, I feel my mouth form into a grin! I am laughing and I didn't even know it. I smack them from side to side with my deadly tail and they fall like tiny bugs before my great power!

…wait. I felt a hint of pain. I'm leaning over and gasping for breath? What? How is this possible? Jenova…? Did you betray me…? …no. Why? Why...why are you doing this to me?! I worshiped you like a god, why did you betray me you? I made you, it was I who gave you your power, I gave you a son and I was your disciple! I did your will and this is how you repay me? By letting me die to the hand a failure? There is the sword and now the pain is gone…

Am I dead? What do I think? No, the failure and his friends are gone and I am a heap of cells on the ground of the Sister Ray. She never exploded, but where is Jenova? I can faintly hear her…she is telling me that she is sorry? That she didn't mean hurt me and she will help me. I can feel my very body being pulled back together…cell by cell, bone by bone, every hair in place. I stand very slowly and smile into the new sun, a new day has come and I can hear Jenova laughing at AVALANCHE as they descend into her grasp and to their deaths. They are crazy, they lost their sanity but…whoever said having it was the greatest thing in the world. I don’t need sanity, I have Jenova…and that's all I'll ever need. She is my all in all, my life and my soul.


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