"Vengeance has no foresight."
Napoleon Bonaparte
Revenge is a Wild Justice
AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen
fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen
twenty | twenty-one | twenty-two | twenty-three
twenty-four | twenty-five | twenty-six | twenty-seven
twenty-eight | twenty-nine | thirty | thirty-one
thirty-two | thirty-three | thirty-four | thirty-five
thirty-six | thirty-seven | thirty-eight | thirty-nine
forty | forty-one | forty-two | forty-three | forty-four
forty-five | forty-six | forty-seven | forty-eight
forty-nine | fifty
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Status: Complete
Words: 195,761
Rated: R
Summary: An alternate universe where Arya overheard
Beric and Thoros talking to Melisandre about selling
Gendry and they have enough time to get away. They
eventually decide to help and protect the smallfolk
during the war as a team. However, their deeds do
not go unnoticed by their enemies and, eventually,
Arya and Gendry find themselves pulled back into
the game of thrones and the fight for the future
of Westeros.
Written in 2019-2020.
Think Upon Revenge
AO3: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen
fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen
twenty | twenty-one | twenty-two | twenty-three
twenty-four | twenty-five | twenty-six | twenty-seven
twenty-eight | twenty-nine | thirty | thirty-one
thirty-two | thirty-three | thirty-four | thirty-five
thirty-six | thirty-seven | thirty-eight | thirty-nine
forty | forty-one | forty-two | forty-three | forty-four
forty-five | forty-six | forty-seven
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Status: Complete
Words: 184,759
Rated: R
Summary: The war has ended and Daenerys sits upon
the Iron Throne as Westeros begins to heal after
so many years of misery. Arya and Gendry continue
to try and find their own place in the world but
politics have never really been their things.
When a mistake is made old grudges rise up and
Arya and Gendry find themselves in the middle
of a very different type of conflict.
Written in 2020-2021.