Afraid To Tell Why can't they see it? I know that I have been secretive But how oblivious can they be? They are smiling up at me They have no idea what I need to tell them My hands are trembling My heart is pounding Perspiration breaking out On my forehead Drenching my palms Why is this so hard? What's the worst they can do? Tell me no? They certainly can't stop me Disown me? Yes...they could... I'm trying to be strong I'm struggling to hold onto my dignity I will not break down when I tell them Will their eyes widen in shock? Will their cheeks burn red with anger? Will their hands tremble in sadness? They will not loose me Not unless they push me away I love them Despite how I may act Or say I have to love them I can't force myself not to But they can force themselves not to love me Will I be alone after this moment? Will I have no one to hold me? They are smiling up at me They have no idea what I am about to tell them I manage to pull a smile A small through my dark lipstick My voice comes through Yes It is my voice "Mom...Dad... We need to talk." Back