Between The Mountains And The Sea Between the mountains and the sea There is no difference between the two Perhaps one lies flat, like a desert, rolling and moving Only where the winds and tides take it While one lies tall, pushing upwards with only one desire To touch the clouds Between the mountains and the sea People live the same, tranquil lives, feeling the same love The same hope, friendship, pain and Shedding the same tears There are the same so called "bums" A title being the only difference The ski and beach "bum," obsessing over the beauty Of their surroundings Between the mountains and the sea We can all hear natures whisper Whether it be a gentle wave, lapping on a beach Or the almost silent murmur of a mountain breeze Tangling itself in our hair Between the mountains and the sea Whether we are swimming in the water Or skiing down the hill The only difference is how we look at it Whether its optimistic or pessimistic Back or white, good or bad, happy or sad The mountains or the sea It is the same nature Singing the same tune Between the mountains and the sea Miles are the only difference And not even that difference Can tear our friendship Our bond Much like that of nature We two unite The mountains and the sea Back