The Black Pen The world loves to consume The world that eats away At the souls of the youth And the old You cannot protect yourself There is no way to hold against it Not in this time Or the next That black pen that signs away The shadow of a soul The whisper of a fallen life The tears of those who have left The black pen that writes away That helps the world consume The shadow of a soul The souls of the youth And the old O' how hard they try! To protect themselves from this world! The black pen that damn them The pen haunts them O' how the world throws them down How they succumb to that fate Accept the world Let it consume them Throw them into hell Do not fight it Accept hell and fire The pen that signs your name That black pen That signs away the shadow Of a soul The whispers of a life The tears that fill the rivers Of those already there By the black pen The world loves to consume The world that eats away At the souls of the youth And the old You cannot protect yourself There is no way to hold against it Not in this time Or the next That black pen That signs away Back