A Blade, A Bottle, And A Gun A blade, a bottle and a gun She needed a way out There seemed to be no other option She needed to get away To a place where no one could reach her A blade, a bottle, and a gun She would be grieved for a time Some for all time Others for the moment that they see Her there A blade, a bottle, and a gun Everyone knew that she was low Everyone could see the lack of life In her eyes They did nothing to help They offered no words of comfort No reassurances that it would be okay That things will get better Nothing They did nothing A blade, a bottle, and a gun She was so confused She did not know what path to take She could not choose one So she choose three A blade... Lies on the floor of her bedroom Smeared with dry life Dried blood And a million lies There was no hesitation No light slices Two deep, deadly slashes Life meets cold steel A bottle... Is empty on the table Not a pill was left And not a moment of time She swallowed them all There was no water taken She purposely did not eat She swallowed them all dry And let them consume her And a gun... There was not any need For more than one shot That was all it took And all she needed The shell lies near her Where did the gun come from? Did it really matter? She had taken it all with her A blade, a bottle, and a gun With these they found her The instruments of her last moments With these she took her own life And with these she left us all A blade, a bottle, and a gun She left... Without a word of goodbye... And now we say goodbye... To a body that will never answer... Back