Caring People look at me and what do they see? A person who does not give a damn? A person who laughs at others pain A person who mocks others tears But do I care? Of course I care I would be calling myself inhuman If I said that I did not I care. But I do not care what they think of me They think I am different Because I do not care about the same thing That they do That I do not wear the same clothes Or listen to the same music Or have the same hobbies But do I care? Of course I care If I see a person lying on the street Hurting or crying Would I mock them? I would never do such a thing. And yet they look at me And see a person who could not give a damn Who laughs at others pain And mocks their tears? Then I feel my own pain start to grow And my own tears fall And what do they do? Nothing. Expected? Of course They say I could not give a damn They I laugh at their pain And mock their tears And yet all I can do is watch them Judge me and sneer at me As they laugh at my pain As they mock my tears And watch, As they do not give a damn Back