So Different, But Yet So The Same So different But yet so the same That's was our motto We lived by it We believed in it Childhood years Of running to your house And I always knew You'd be there to answer the door When the phone rang I always knew It was you People said We weren't made for each other When I wanted to play a video game You would want to play with dolls We respected each other And our differences People said Our friendship was a thing That would not last When I dressed in baggy overalls You would dress in a one-piece dress I went for a baseball cap You went for a hair ribbon When we entered school I would play football with the boys You would play hopscotch with the girls Of course We had our differences Maybe more than Regular friends But that's what made us So close When we entered Middle school You would go on About boys And I would go on About the latest sports highlights At lunch You and your other friends Would talk the whole time Sometimes I skipped lunch altogether And went outside to shoot hopes But we still stayed close And strong You would listen to my problems And give advice Even if it Didn't apply to me I would listen to your problems And give advice Even if it Didn't apply to you Looks mattered to you I couldn't care less We entered High School And something happened You became depressed So did your friends About things That made no sense to me You hung around people Who made the wrong choices You hung around them Just to fit in When drugs and smoking Became involved I tried to talk to you But for once You didn't listen You would go off to parties My phone never rang And if it did It wasn't you I remember one day Late at night My phone rang I answered it It was your mom You were in the hospital You hit a car head on On the way home From a party Were you'd been drinking They said you were in a coma They said you would probably Never come out of it I waited at your side Calling your name But you never answered The doctors told me Before you went into a coma That your last words were 'So different But yet so the same, Tell my best friend She will be forever In my heart.' I wept over these words And I sat by your bed and said 'So different But yet so the same I respect you And you respect me And we will be forever friends.' I knew in my heart That you heard me Although I never said goodbye To your face I know you heard me Although we were so different We are Forever friends Back