Differences Keep Us Apart What did we ever do to you? Why do you push us away so? We are people just like you We have feelings We have emotions We breathe the same air And walk upon the same Mother Earth Yet a simple belief And you push us away To dismiss a friend of many years To brush off the chance of love To wash away any relation Whether it be by blood Or just exchange of words I respect what you believe Can't you respect my faith? I don't ask for a lot No one does We just want to practice in peace Where we can be in the safety Of the Mothers arms And in the company Of our Parents The burning of candles The lighting of incense The building of an alter So similar to the one you bow before Each Sunday The pulling of our rituals Are not that different From your ceremonies Truly we can get along For faith is not everything Faith is what helps you Brings you joy Happiness Not what controls your life Yet despite how hard I may try In the end you'll all push me away And play God By damning me to hell And I will tolerate the abuse Because I certainly won't push those I love away So shun me if you must For I won't return the hatred For I am a peace pagan And all I want to know is... What's the harm is worshiping the Earth? Back