A Field Of Endless Flowers I stand on the edge of a cliff A gentle spring breeze blows my hair back Out of my face I stare at a field of endless flowers That stretched so far Full of every color you could imagine Blue as the ocean Green as grass Pinks, reds, oranges, And yellow as the sun I jump down the small cliff And run through the flowers Millions of butterflies jump up And swirl around me Getting caught in my hair I lift my arms Tilt my head back And twirl around in a circle Until I'm so dizzy that I fall Onto the flowers They kiss my cheeks And my body So gently that I can barely feel it I stand up And I ran through the flowers Until I reached the end of the field What a place to explore But the sun dipped behind the mountains And a cool breeze swept over me I guess the adventure will have to wait Until tomorrow I turn And walk back through the field Only the moon to guide me home Back