In Fields Of Shrimmering Gold In fields of shimmering gold We would play, Our hearts and minds Gone from reality We would be only in a dream world. We would ride a Pegasus With wings of gold, Or we would be healed By a unicorns magic. We would dance with an elf Or sing with a fairy, We would run and laugh And no one could tell us To stop. When it grew dark We would join in the parties Of the princess, And she would sing. We would too, A song of forever happiness. But soon We would be snapped back to reality, And brought inside For dinner. But those years lasted only as long as young childhood. Soon We did not speak of our magical land, Our talk was of makeup, And boys, And the small things in life. Soon We stopped dreaming, Our minds were forever pulled away From eternal happiness. Soon We entered high school, And we did not even think A minor thought of the past. Only what lay ahead mattered, Our future was only in our heads. Not even the present mattered! Before we knew it, We were going off to college We would be separated One day. We were going through some of our old things When we found Pictures of our magical place. At first We laughed To think we were ever so childish! Then We went outside, And we once again Entered our fields of shimmering gold. Our princess welcomed us For one day, The present and The future, Were forgotten. We played like Children, But most things come to an end And so did that day. We bid farewell To our friends. But then Our fairy friend said, "No matter how old you are, Never stop dreaming!" To this day I've never forgotten those words. And you and I, My best friend, Now grandmothers, Still return to our fields Of shimmering gold. And if we are not there, We are telling our grand children Our fairy friends words, "No matter how old you are, Never stop dreaming!" To my dying day I will always return To our fields of shimmering gold. And one day I will enter my fields, And stay there, For eternity. Back