For This Sickness I feel my stomach turn My head is pounding My limbs are shaking And I cannot make them stop Do I blame you Or do I blame myself For this sickness that I feel We both played a large role In this fight When you threw out harsh words And I threw mine back All of the little things That the other thing to make us mad Came spilling out of our mouths Like a stream of hate There is anger behind our words And a sense of resentment For the other Maybe it isn't for real And maybe our hate will fade With time This might be the end With the pain the I feel Almost nothing What am I to do? Forgive and forget? Pretend I never heard those words? Or felt the hatred Emitting from them How am I to move on When they burn in my mind The expression that says Words Will Never Hurt Me Is a childish and ignorant Words hurt so much more Than a punch You've hurt me deeply I do think I'll be able to So easily forget You hit me in Some very sensitive spots I hope you are very happy I feel my stomach turn My head is pounding My limbs are shaking And I cannot make them stop Do I blame you Or do I blame myself For this sickness that I feel Back