My Broken Reflection Who is that girl Standing in front of me? Why is she there? Staring... Her eyes are bleak Emotionless Black lapping out of the corners Her lips are pulled into a flat line Smudged with dark lines Her skin is white Yet slightly flushed now Her cheeks are a light crimson With clear streams running down them Oh I see That girl is me And I am looking into a mirror A mirror... A simple plane of glass Just glass That is making me look at myself That girl... Me... She looks so empty So miserable I can't stand her I want to reach out with my long thin fingers Wrap them around her pale neck And squeeze Squeeze until those emotionless eyes Flicker with fear Relief Something Anything I want to twist that neck until it snaps Until that head falls to the side Limp Dead I can't though For one cannot kill one's own reflection I clench my fists into tiny balls My nails Have chipped black on them They dig into my palms And for a brief moment I feel the sharp stinging Of pain I open my hands and look down My palms are lined with tiny crescent moons Tiny moons with droplets of blood pushing Their way through that broken skin I look up and there she is again She is looking at me with a smug expression on that face Her face holds that emotion But her eyes... They remain the same I let my hands fall to my sides and I study her again She is me All of that lack of emotion Is me That amused expression on her face Is me What is she amused from? Those tiny moons Do they amuse her? Do they amuse me? I can't stand her I want her to go away To leave me alone Why must she torment me? You stupid bitch... I hate you Go away and leave me be But she doesn't leave She just stands there Looking amused With emotionless eyes Go away bitch I clench a fist again Digging my chipped black nails Into broken skin She doesn't leave I'll make her leave then I reel back and smash my fist Into the plane of glass It shatters on impact Sending tiny glass shards everywhere Large pieces fall away I feel a stab of pain in my fingers I pull away and look at my fist There is a piece of mirror in my fingers I pull the glass out and blood flows Payback for destroying her She wanted payback so she makes me bleed I let my hand fall to the side Blood drips from my broken skin And fall to my white carpet Making a tiny red rose on the pure white surface More blood falls And the rose grows Like a flower grows in the springtime I look back to where she stood She's gone Nothing but a few broken pieces of mirror My broken reflection stares back at me Horrified at what I did I watch her And I feel a smile tugging at my painted lips I smile at her And she smiles back She is not gone I know But she is for now Goodbye my reflection Goodbye mirror Nothing more than a plane of glass I bled And she broken for now Laughter comes from the base of my throat I am laughing at her My shattered reflection Burn in hell Back