Losing My Religion I have felt pain I have felt misery I have felt cold steal cutting my flesh Because of my pain and my misery And you tell me there is a God? That he is all forgiving All loving I cannot believe you tell me this I cannot believe you even begin to think That you have the right to tell me this If he is so loving? Then why do you I feel so unloved? If He is the bringer of happiness? Then why am I so depressed? I have tried to do things your way Follow His path Do things His way But all times I feel the same I have prayed I prayed with all of my soul for relief And I received none I have given up on your Christian faith I hope you realize that there is no turning back Not for me I see no point In worshiping something so sick That they would make me so sick I see no point In worshiping something so twisted That they seem to be laughing Mocking What I have become So save the lectures Stop trying to bring me back I will not be converted Not again Not until I feel some sort of difference I have lost all sense of faith Perhaps just in religion There is still hope in this world As you can plainly see I'm losing my religion Back