An Ongoing Battle It is a battle like no other This battle you can't even see with the naked eye In this battle, no human lives are taken In this battle, not a drop of blood is shed This battle is one on one, and only one will walk away This is a battle within my own heart It's a battle against what's inside and what others see It's a war of personalities On one side, is my real personality, The one That only I know Me and only me On the other side, is the one that everyone knows Not the better half, even thought it's what Everyone sees When I cry, the tears come from the real me bleeding When I smile, it's when the real me almost broke through When I'm mad, it's when the real me is laying on the ground Hurt But the real me, never gives in No matter what Someday I'll break through my defenses And shine But until that glorious day, I will be fighting An on-going battle Back