The Road To Fame So many try to go Down that road So many try, to make the attempted To go down there. So many go, but only a Few make it all The way. The ones who make it They are heard from Again and again. But the ones who fall Through the cracks. Who trip, stumble an fall Down the road. Are never heard from again They become angry, upset And depressed. They seek love, But everyone turns them away. Telling them that they Chose that path, That was their decision. They live on the streets, They hungry Not only for food But for love. No one cares about them There is no one out there. So many try to go down That road, But only a few make it. That road promises So much. But only some get it. That road Has led countless people To shattered lives. At the beginning of that road Is a sign That reads, "The Road to Fame" And that what draws people Spiraling down Down Down. Back