Side By Side We grew up in a small town Next door to each other Since day one Our parents grew in our small town Side by side Since day one When we were babies Our parents would lay us together In the same crib My first sight was not my own parents But you My earliest memories All I can remember Is you My first word Was not Mamma Or Dada It was your name We took our first steps Side by side We got in the bus for our first day of school Side by side We sat together on the bus And at lunch Side by side We were too shy to talk to Anyone else Except each other We did our homework together When we entered The first grade And did our first book report Together When we enter the third grade We went shopping together And talked about boys When we entered Middle School And every time we did something It was Side by side In Middle School We finally made new friends But nothing Or no one Could brake our friendship But even so More than nameable Tried to brake our friendship We went to our first dance Side by side We got on the bus At ten to 7:00 in the morning To go to our day of High School Side by side We went on our first date A double date Side by side But then something happened That we swore would never happen Your parents had to move You didn't have a choice Neither did they Either you move Or your Dad's out of a job For good You were going to move in one month That month passed by Way too fast And before we knew it You were leaving There would never be enough time To say goodbye You were moving so far away We would only see each other Maybe once a year Twice if we were lucky We hugged so hard I never wanted to let go We promised to write every day I held on to you Until I almost got my hand Closed in the door Your car pulled out of the driveway I ran beside your car Never taking my eyes off of you I ran until you got to the main highway Almost a mile Then I stopped And just stood there And watched your car Until it disappeared I wrote everyday So did you But it just wasn't the same We kept in touch Right up until we went to college We got into the same school But you also got excepted into Harvard So you went there We didn't see each other until your wedding I was you brides maid And you were mine Although you moved away Now we moved back to our small town To the houses that have been In our families for years We moved in Side by side With a daughter of our own And we put them in the same crib Side by side Back