A Simple Goodbye Since the day That you moved into town We clicked so fast In the beat of a heart We were best friends. Our houses were side by side And we would play As giggled teenagers. We would dance and sing And talk about the normal Things in life. As that precious year Went on It came to the day Of your birthday. I snuck around your house So quiet With a cake I had spent All day baking. I told myself not to laugh Or I'd ruin your surprise. I burst in your kitchen A smile on my face, There wasn't a person in sight Nor any furniture. I called out your name But no answer came Just silence. I searched for a note But there was known to be found. I ran out of the house Leaving the cake behind. That was years ago And yet I still think, "How do I know what you're thinking now" Nor do I know if I cross your mind. We could have arranged For a long goodbye. Oh how I wish I could See your face. All I want now And then Was a simple goodbye. Back