Sketchpad of Flesh I have a sketchpad that I carry with me everywhere Whether I be in my own home Or in the home of another In the church of a fake religion Or in the break room of my workplace There are millions of pages that are blank And ready to be sketched on My pens are hidden in a special place Hidden away from the naked eye I can only draw in private Away from suspicious eyes and minds Unable to comprehend what the sketches mean What is the hidden meaning behind that word? What is the secret interpretation of that star? There is color in those sketches Though the color is limited I draw on a page and color fills the lines Sometimes... The color will spill out of the lines And onto the other sketches Yet I do not care Here I stand before you I am my sketch pad and my skin are the pages Sharp edges are my pens and my own blood Adds color to the sketches I have a sketch pad of flesh And razor blades are my pens Blood are my paints that make them beautiful No one can see my sketches Despite how beautiful I may think they are I have a sketch pad of human flesh And cold metal razor blades are my pens Mortal blood is the pain that fills the lines And makes them beautiful This is my therapy and my way of releases it all This is how I express The things that cannot be put into words I have a sketch pad of human flesh And cold metal razor blades are my pens Mortal blood fills the lines of my sketches Please don't take my sketchpad My therapy Please don't take it all away Back