Speak Words hanging on thee tip of flesh Words I can't say What is the point in a question? Or in asking it? If you already know the answer Speaking, I find it hard To allow them to leave my mouth I do not know how to say things. Words to people Expressing basic emotions The effort of putting sentences together On paper they flow like a river Filled with cliches and similes But when they are spoken words They become jumbled And hard to form A tongue made of iron and steel A muscle refusing to obey its master Short circuit between the mind And the words cannot come forth To say something And do that another To learn to speak To learn to say words Speak your mind (To follow a cliche) More words I cannot say Seems like such a simple thing Speaking, talking, verbalizing Yet it cannot be done I cannot speak I do not want to speak Because words have a tendency To scare people away But wordless thoughts To keep people closer Even if there is a distance Distance is better than Complete emptiness Back