My Suicide Song For each person The thought will always Cross their mind The thought that: "Maybe I want to die?" And the thought may stay with them For a second Or a week Or a month Or maybe a year Some just brush it off Others wonder if they really want to Those who ponder it for eternity I will sing my suicide song And dance to my death song The words leave my lips And no one will hear them The phrases touch the air And become whispers The dance of my death To the beats of a heart And I repeat the chorus Signing of the end And singing of ending it all Singing of my death Singing of Heaven and Hell I sing of my pain And how I'll become another statistic I sing of the loss that people will think I sing of those who hate me And will feel guilty for driving me To the edge I mourn for those who will cry When they find me I mourn for my family And those who care I mourn for the pain I will cause I dance to my death song I sing my suicide song Back